Exploring new grounds
"Learning is like rowing against the current. If you stop, you drift back."
Chinese proverb
We are continuously striving to expand our knowledge to provide the most excellent consultancy services to our customers. To achieve this goal, we do not only conduct research projects for our industrial customers, but also regularly participate in research projects funded by the public and various research bodies. We regularly publish peer-reviewed articles in leading journals for an independent and proficient evaluation of our research.
A selection of our research projects
Cumulative effects due to mining, general and in the Grijpskerk area. Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Netherlands
Seismicity in Flanders. Vlaams Planbureau voor Omgeving, Belgium
Induced seismicity in the extraction of hydrocarbons from unconventional reservoirs. Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Risk assessment for UDG and EGS and an inventory of preventive and mitigating measures. Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Netherlands
Geomechanical Study – Small Gas Fields in the Netherlands. Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Netherlands
Science for Clean Energy (S4CE). EU - Horizon 2020.
Defining the Framework for Seismic Hazard Assessment in Geothermal Projects. Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Netherlands
Recommendations for a Traffic-Light-System limiting the strength of seismicity induced in small gas fields in the Netherlands. State Supervision of the Mines, the Netherlands
Stimulation experiment in karstified limestone in a deep geothermal borehole in Mauerstetten. Federal Ministry for the Environment, Germany
Seismic risk associated with the stimulation of geothermal reservoirs. Federal Ministry for the Environment, Germany
Hot Dry Rock Project Soultz: First phase of the creation of a scientific pilot plant. Federal Ministry for the Environment, Germany
A selection of our peer-reviewed publications
Focus: Monitoring, data processing, interpretation
Probing the Crust to 9-km Depth: Fluid-Injection Experiments and Induced Seismicity at the KTB Superdeep Drilling Hole, Germany. BSSA, 2002. doi 10.1785/0120010236
​Induced Seismicity during the Stimulation of a Geothermal HFR Reservoir in the Cooper Basin, Australia. BSSA, 2006. doi 10.1785/0120050255
​Earthquake Cluster: What Can We Learn from Waveform Similarity? BSSA, 2008. doi 10.1785/0120080018
​Investigation of Fault Mechanisms during Geothermal Reservoir Stimulation Experiments in the Cooper Basin, Australia. BSSA, 2009. doi 10.1785/0120080055
Continued Geothermal Reservoir Stimulation Experiments in the Cooper Basin (Australia). BSSA, 2015. doi 10.1785/0120140208
Focus: Induced seismicity process
A model for fluid-injection-induced seismicity at the KTB, Germany. GJI, 2003. doi 10.1046/j.1365-246X.2003.01837.x
Inferring In Situ Hydraulic Pressure From Induced Seismicity Observations: An Application to the Cooper Basin (Australia) Geothermal Reservoir. JGR, 2020. doi 10.1029/2019JB019070
Inferring Hydraulic Pressure Changes from Induced Seismicity Observations: Three Showcases from Geothermal Reservoirs. IJG, 2021. doi 10.1155/2021/6647834
Focus: Risk mitigation
Traffic Light Systems: To What Extent Can Induced Seismicity Be Controlled? SRL, 2019. doi 10.1785/0220180337
Focus: Modelling induced seismicity
A numerical model for fluid injection induced seismicity at Soultz-sous-Forêts. IJRMMS, 2010. doi 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2009.10.001
Numerical simulation of seismicity induced by gas production – implications for seismic hazard assessment. JGR, 2023. doi 10.1029/2023JB027025
Focus: Seismic hazard and risk assessment
Deep Heat Mining Basel - Seismic Risk Analysis. SERIANEX, 2009.
Induced seismicity and seismic risk management – a showcase from the Californië geothermal field (the Netherlands). NJG, 2022. doi 10.1017/njg.2022.12