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Our Services

Human intervention in the subsurface can trigger earthquakes across the various energy technologies. In addition to conventional technologies such as mining and oil and gas production, renewable energy forms such as deep geothermal or the use of stored hydropower can also be associated with earthquakes. These “induced earthquakes” can also occur in underground storage (heat, hydrocarbons, wastewater disposal) and carbon sequestration. Induced earthquakes are often very weak and imperceptible to humans. Nevertheless, stronger induced earthquakes with damage-relevant vibrations can emerge under certain conditions. This form of induced seismicity may pose a significant economic risk for project operators.


We offer a comprehensive services package for managing the risks associated with induced seismicity: this encompasses the expert risk assessment in the planning stage, the seismological monitoring of operational activities, the use of traffic light systems for risk reduction, data interpretation, and the numerical modeling of underground processes. We also accompany our customers in the official approval process of their projects and the dialogue with the public. Our work is characterized by a thorough physical process understanding. With our flexible numerical tools, we can often further support our clients regarding the aspects of reservoir management and above-ground plant design.


How may we assist you? Contact us below

Seismische Messstationen auf einer Wiese
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